Bill - Heritage Resident
To me 'A Better Everyday' means different things to different people and they really get that here


Heritage Resident

An Accountant who moved to Hawke’s Bay in 1958, Bill and his wife live in a Village here at Heritage. In 1991 Bill became Chairman of the Waiapu Trust.

Unlike most of the residents here, Bill had already had a behind the scenes look at the facilities. “I’d been quite hands on when the chalets were being built in 1980 and when the committee saw the design the architect had come up with, we thought it was spot on.”

What’s important to Bill is the coverage of all types of care that Heritage provides from the chalets and apartments, to the Rest Home and Hospital. The smaller size was appealing as well because as Bill says “You settle in to your groove and decide what’s for you and what’s not. To me 'A Better Everyday' means different things to different people and they really get that here.”

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